Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, I've had this blog for a couple weeks now and I've only just gotten around to writing this first post...finally! You can find some really profound things on a blog - people's thoughts, their likes and dislikes, things they wouldn't tell people they know 'irl', but because it's out in the nether-like cloud of cyberspace, they feel confident to do so. That's why it's taken me a little while to start this off. I didn't want to just spew something out onto the page, like word vomit; I wanted to be interesting and engaging, perhaps even funny.

Whether or not I was successful, I guess is up to you.

So, what do you want to know? My name is Jaye. I like colours, particularly in the form of marker pens and/or crayons, and designing things. These things can be characters, words, moving (or not) pictures and doodly sketches. I don't like peas or mayonnaise. I think scrawlers should be made to clean up their work and learn from the masters of street art, some of which I’ve got up in the ol’ blog roll on the right. I also work in the world of viral marketing, and may post up some ads or campaigns I’ve come across from time to time. Maybe I’ll even discuss movies and music and the like.

So if you’re interested, pull up a chair and hang out for a while. I can’t promise to post like all the time or anything, but I’ll try to get something up at least once a week. I’ve got a whole notebook of neat stuff I’ve found on t’interweb and (whilst I know a lot of bloggers do this) I’m gonna put some of it up on here for you to enjoy.

Check y'all later.


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