Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey there peeps.

Thought I'd just big-up another favourite artist of mine - her name is Bobsmade and she rocks. Here's a link to her deviantArt page:
Bobsmade does these amazing doodle-like sketches and pieces; they look like they take forever. Wish I could have the patience to do stuff that detailed :). I have had a go - check it out: Artist At Work

She also customises shoes (ballerinas, Chucks, old 80's style sneakers) and bags, designs t-shirts, and does these really neat pieces using coffee as a stain/watercolour-like paint.

Take a look at this:

Anyways, that's all for today. I do have a big ranty post that I'm planning on doing, but I've misplaced the link. Will shove it up here once I find it again.

Bah for now! God bless,

Jaye ;p

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