Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just a quickie: Booty Juggler AND! Secret WarsxReebokxDaydream

No apologies this time about not posting for a while - I've decided rather than feeling guilty about not posting at least every week, I'm just gonna do it when I have time and when I have something I want to say/share.

I was looking at Bobsmade's devJournal the other day and she'd put up this link:

Watch Secret Wars x Reebok x Daydream in Entertainment Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at

It's a video of the 2007 Secret Wars x Reebok x Daydream event in Barcelona. Basically, graff artists from all over the world (or may have just been Europe, I can't rightly remember) go head to head with a white board - or equivalent drawing surface - and a big marker, and draw their little hearts out. There was some amazing stuff produced, so watch the vid and take a look.

Another little thing I've got to put up here today is a very neat 2D game called "Booty Juggler" - it's being seeded by Rubber Republic (great people, ne?) and it's part of the 4Mations campaign, which I'll put up a bit more about later. Designed by illustrator Robin Davey , it's about Patch the Pirate Octopus, and you have to help him protect his pirates booty:


Jaye ;p

EDIT: Here's the embedded code for the game -

Free Online Games

1 comment:

steppie said...

Hey there,

Your blog name does crack me up a little, but it's a pretty funny coincidence.

As for your comments - thank you so much. I actually did get evacuated (I'll be updating my blog about it soon), but am safe with my family. Hopefully our home will be to when we return.

My car is full of my artwork right now. I couldn't bear with the idea that I would lose it all.

Again, thank you.
